Monday, January 20, 2025

The Way: relationship, not rules!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 2nd week in Ordinary time

January 21, 2025 - Hebrews 6: 10-20; Mark 2: 23-28

The letter to the Hebrews explains at length today about the speciality of the alliance or the covenant that God has made with us - the letter says three important facets of that covenant. 

Firstly, it is dependent on God's relationship with us - not anyone else, not even on us, because no one is as dependable as God and depending on us would make it so weak. Secondly, the covenant is unalterable, as God is unchanging. This is the anchor of hope that we have, that at any time we have God who is faithful. 

Thirdly and most importantly, it is all about relationship. It is not difficult to observe that the key terms that dominate the explanation there are, descendants, heirs, inheriting the promises... all these refer to a relationship with God, as children, as sons and daughters, in that One Son who entered the Holy of Holies, for our sakes. 

Jesus declares the same - that relationships matter the most, more than any rule or regulation, when it comes to the promises of the Lord. The Lord goes by persons, not by precepts. When it comes to persons and their well being, the Lord has no other priorities - this is what the covenant is all about, and the Lord keeps the covenant ever in mind. When we hold on to a rule, just for the sake of the rule and have no consideration at all for the persons whose lives, whose freedom, whose wellbeing and dignity are at stake, we are far from the Reign of God.