WORD 2day: Monday, 1st week in Ordinary time
January 13, 2025 - Hebrew 1: 1-6; Mark 1: 14-20
We shall be reflecting on the letter written to the Hebrews this whole week, taking us on an exploratory retreat on the journey we are called resume once again, the ordinary journey of our faith. The first message given us is this: that journey begins witih the Lord. It is the Lord who has initiated this journey speaking to us in varied ways in the past, during the stronger liturgical seasons, who shall continue to speak now, in a more ordinary and a daily manner. The call for us is not to miss the "ordinariness" of God's call.
And the Gospel reiterates that, now it is Jesus himself who speaks to us, and calls us every day - to follow him, that he can make us fishers of persons. There is a Christian television series that has become very famous over the past couple of years, an interdenominational initiative from the United States - The Chosen, which has reached already 4 seasons and is promising more. The picture that accompanies this reflection is the logo of that series! Interestingly the very first season, right away began with Jesus choosing his followers! That is how Mark begins his Gospel too: not with the nativity narrative but the call of the apostles.
The message is loud and clear: we are chosen for this journey, and this journey begins with the Lord, are we ready to respond and follow?