Monday, January 6, 2025

God reveals: God is love!

WORD 2day: Tuesday after Epiphany

January 7, 2025 - 1 John 4: 7-10; Mark 6: 34-44

We have begun from yesterday, a journey from the epiphany of the Lord to the event of the baptism of the Lord. If yesterday we were given to reflect on the Spirit as the dimension of God's revelation, today we have another essential dimension of God's nature... a dimension that the Spirit stands for: Love. Love, the communion that is found within the Trinity, is expressed in God's relationship with us! And Jesus in the Gospel, expresses that love in concrete terms, through a miracle, a miracle inspired by his compassion for the people whom he found as sheep without a shepherd. 

Jesus' miracles, as exegetes and theologians insist, are not mere means of revealing the glory and splendour that is hidden within Christ, but to express a concrete sense of compassion and love for the people who stood around, and in that, to us! Jesus himself is the love of God expressed in its fullness and Jesus come across as the love of God made flesh and sent to dwell amidst us. 

Journey from the revelation at the epiphany to the manifestation at the baptism of the Lord, we are called today to see God as love, perceive God as compassion, experience God as mercy and remain always recognizant of the place that God has reserved for each of us, within God's great and wonderful design. May we grow more and more observant of the various ways in which God expresses God's infinite love to us.