Wednesday, January 8, 2025

God reveals: to love is Christ

WORD 2day: Wednesday after Epiphany

January 8, 2025 - 1 John 4:11-18; Mark 6: 45-52

Let us take a close look at these two statements: "If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God"; and the other statement, "God is love and anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him." There is a syllogistic corollary that John is creating in these lines, in his letter - to say, to believe in Christ is to live in God; to live in God is to live in love; and therefore to live in Christ is to live in love! Without living in love one cannot live in Christ. 

Christ shows to his followers another sign today, walking on the water! Every one marvelled at him for this, but do we ever see him lecturing to the disciples on how to walk on water or multiply bread or chase an evil spirit out? Never. For him these were not important feats, but loving the other was! He insisted without getting tired about how to love and how much to love; in fact, he did not stop with talking to them about loving, but he taught them to love with his own example of laying down his life for love! 

He was certain and absolutely clear - to love is to live in God, and that is why he was all the time in God and never feared having to die - for he lived in God and lived love. When we live in Christ, we shall live in love and we shall live in God, because to love is Christ.