Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I am always touched by the words of Jeremiah....  
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity." (Jer 29:12-14) 
It is so sad
many times i forget that my wonderful God is all the time there with me...
walking with me, living and staying with me...
its such a simple yet a subtle experience!
i dont even need words, written or spoken to stay in touch with God
for it is that word..or that Word, who lives with me in flesh!
words and liturgy are simple instruments to get together with my brothers and sisters
to unite the varied personal experiences into one, wonderful, awesome experience
of the One who lives with me, with us!

another fact i used to be alarmed by is...
how some of the ''spiritual'' people can afford to love others less!
yes... if God is there all the time with me,
love is there all the time with me!
how can i, if i am aware of this presence, afford to be less loving
how can i afford to judge how can i afford to differentiate, put down, marginalize, oppress or hurt?

isn't it because of that Isaiah pictures Reign of God as a place where there is no hurt?  
They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isa 11:9)

these days i am reflecting a lot on Inter Religious Respect and Commitment to Christic Experience... there are a lot of things that are disturbing my mind and confusing it..
Christ, i believe, fills me with love for everyone
but in our background in India and today not just India, even else where
when i live with people with so many different convictions
i feel Christ will fill me more with love, sensitivity, compassion, respect and regard...  

Lord, fill me with your light to understand you, you the Truth...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


youth ministry is enjoining a mutual journey towards paradise - for the youth and the youth minister...salve, salvando salvatti!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Youth Ministry - REFLXIONS #4

with a passion and priority for the young and our presence with them has to be one of proposing a challenge of wholeness, holiness to the young!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


The passion and the priority, if it has to be translated into action, will be in simple terms... Our presence with them.

Youth Ministry - Reflexions #2

Youth Ministry... happens..when my passion is the young automatically my priority is the young too! then the youth ministry flows

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Youth Ministry - Reflexions

Happy to share starting from today... a series of Reflections on Youth Ministry via the posters!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Mumbai, 26th January, 2011

The South Asia Vocation Guidance Meet ends with a unanimous commitment to relaunch the mission of creating a culture of vocations in the individual provinces. There were 30 participants from the provinces of India and the Vice province of Srilanka. The Rector Major and the General Councillor were present in spirit, the former through the call to create a culture of vocations through the strenna for this year and the latter with the video conference he gave to the participants.

Organised by the DBYASA, the Meet was convened by the Delegate for Vocation Guidance for DBYASA Rev. Fr. Brian Moras sdb and present all through were Rev. Fr. Joe Almeida, the Provincial incharge of Vocation Guidance in the SPCSA and Rev. Fr. Maria Charles the Director of DBYASA. Thanks to the hosting Province of Mumbai and its Provincial house, the meeting was a pleasant experience. Now that the annual exercise is over, what do we expect out of this?

A boom in the number of vocations? No. That is not what the theme concerns itself about. Rev. Fr. Fabio Attard, the General Councillor put it succinctly during his video conference saying, ‘the culture of vocations has not got to do with numbers but to do with the whole picture of Don Bosco’s Charismatic experience.’ A youngster to feel at home with your proposal of a vocation has first to feel at home with you, said the Councillor, drawing attention to why the Rector Major calls Don Bosco an ingenious Voction Animator – because he created an atmosphere where the young felt at home to search for meaning to their life.

Keeping with the theme, Creating a Culture of Vocations the presentations of the three resource persons, Fr. Ajoy Fernandes the Vice Provincial of Mumbai, Fr. Maria Charles the Director of DBYASA and Fr. Joe Almeida the Provincial of Guwahati, were well prepared and designed to prod the participants to concrete action. The outcome: there was a concerted ‘yes’ to the call to create a culture of vocations in the provinces. Searching for ways and means to do it the participants came up with the following possibilities – to create an awareness among every confrere about the mind of the congregation regarding the project and process of Vocation Guidance being part of the larger picture of Youth Ministry; to create systems – like networked teams, networked departments – within the provinces to ensure a holistic vocation ministry; to initiate activities that require holistic plans and participation of all the Salesians passionate about their life and its meaning and witness; to nurture good catholic families and to convince oneself and the provinces that vocations are primarily fruits of our personal and collective witness of life.

The departing feeling of the participants was one of joy and optimism that we are passionate about the Spirit that Don Bosco has left as our legacy and that it is enough for us to rekindle the energy as individuals and provinces to relaunch this specific mission in South Asia – to create a culture of vocations!

meet you soon...shd be back in chennai in two days!