Sunday, February 24, 2013

2nd Sunday of Lent: 24.02.2013

The call to BELONG TO GOD 
like Abraham, in his dependence
like Paul, in his transcendence of looking at a heavenly citizenship, 
like the disciples who submitted to the Son of God in Obedience

we are challenged today, 
in a time that prides in autonomy,  
in a time that is lost in the petty concerns of material triviality, 
in a time that abounds in self-made masters and self-proclaimed leaders... belong to God means to listen to God's Word, and live it in my day to to day life...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Photo of the 12 year old son of Tamil Eelam leader Prabhakaran, killed in cold blood by the Srilankan Soldiers...and this is just a drop of the war crimes committed against a race of people!

le foto del ragazzo di 12 anni, il figlio del Tamil Eelam Supremo Prabhakaran, ucciso dai soldati di Srilanka...le foto publicato da Canale 4. 

posting it on the blog in order to share it on FB for many who will not otherwise get to see this photo..

Sunday, February 17, 2013

1ST SUNDAY OF LENT: 17.02.2013

The call to CHOOSE GOD
in a time of confusions and delusions, 
in a time of threatening prophecies and self imposing speculations,
in a time when one is tempted to choose 
pleasure, power and popularity...
to believe and be convinced of the PRIMACY OF GOD...
and choose God over everything or anything!

a time given by God's holy will...
a time to reflect, reform and return to God...
yes, now is the acceptable time, 
now is the time of salvation...
the Kairos...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2nd may


Here is a 'speak up' that i posted
quite some time back on
why did i think of it suddenly..don't know.
thinking much of interreligious dialogue
and interreligious interactions these days...
i thought of it...
and it made sense..
just wanted to share it on my blog...
Praying with people of other faiths in a multi religious context like that of India, is a current issue with the National Seminar just over at Bangalore. There are a few problematics that strike me as I wrestle with its possibilities.

Back from the National Seminar on Praying with Children in a multicultural context, I would like to speak up on a few problematics it poses! In any praying together, the basic problems are whether we share the symbols, the symbolics, the icons and the rites. A real praying together is ``worshiping in Spirit and Truth`` (Jn 4:23 )as Jesus would have it. That is the key.

In this, as it was in Jesus` times, the first and greatest block (i refrain from using the word `enemy`)is THE INSTITUTION! Jesus would have said it boldly, if we think he had not. As long as there are fixed symbols, rules and rubrics, sharing symbols or accepting symbols from other traditions is many a times considered a compromise! As long as there is an institutional form of religion in perfect control, praying can not be an Inter Religious Practice, lest praying becomes a mere extraneous activity.

Praying together infact is a SPIRITUALITY and not a Religious Practice. Can a institutionally bound religious person meaningfully participate in a inter religious prayer moment, keeping aside his or her clear cut definitions and demarcations? Doesnt it present a problematic to reckon with?