Saturday, June 22, 2013


23rd June 2013: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Apparently the liturgy of this Sunday looks like it answers the question, 'Who is Jesus?' That is not what Jesus intends to prove today - that he is Christ... but Jesus looks to treat a question much deeper and more crucial - it is about who we are, in Christ. 
Yes, the Word teaches me today, who I am, IN CHRIST... 

The readings depict the longing of the people of Israel to identify themselves as, 'the house of David', 'inhabitants of Jerusalem', 'Abraham's offsprings' and 'heirs according to promise'. David, Abraham, the prophets...and the covenant that was made through them by God with the people was their proof of heredity. In Christ, there is a New and Everlasting Covenant and in our Baptism, St. Paul reminds us, 'In Christ Jesus you are all sons (and daughters) of God.' Our heredity is determined by the blood shed for us, on the Cross; and our identity comes from the Baptismal fountain that was opened to us in Christ.

The Lord promised the people of the Old Testament, to pour on them the spirit of compassion and supplication, the fountain to cleanse themselves from sin and uncleannesses... In Christ the fountain of forgiveness is opened forth for us, through faith. The blood of Christ washes us clean, as clean as the falling snow! It is this forgiveness and faith, that is offered to me freely in abundance, that invites me to 'put on Christ.' 

No one can come to the father, unless through me! For I am the way, the truth and the life, declared Christ. In Christ we have the way to the Father, but Christ's path is Calvary, and his company is the Cross! Unless through Calvary and the Cross, one cannot reach the Glory of the Everliving God! Death and Resurrection form one reality in Christ! One should die to be risen! One should die to oneself to be risen to God! One should die to selfishness to be risen to genuine love! One should die to avarice to be risen to compassion! One should die to egoism to be risen to life, a LIFE IN CHRIST.

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