Saturday, June 8, 2013

WORD 2day

8th June, 2013: Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary

To Remember is a Spirituality in itself! 

Mary's heart is exalted today...
because she remembered...
she kept everything in her HEART...
Tobit, Tobias, Sarah...all of them are blessed because they remembered, they remembered the good that the Lord had done to them... And God remembered them and blessed them more!

Just after the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
the Church proposes that we remember the Immaculate Heart of Mary... 
because a heart that resembled 
the heart of Jesus. 

Learn from me, 
for I am meek and humble of heart... 
Mary observed that heart from close, 
infact she had her part in forming that heart...
and she herself treasured a heart that resembled that meek and humble heart of the Lord! 

She kept everything in her heart! To remember the goodness of the Lord, to remember the great things done to us by the Lord, to remember the mighty presence of the Lord ever in my heart - that is the spirituality that Our Blessed Mother teaches me today!

When I remember all the good that the Lord has done to me, the hurdles and heart aches that come to me sometimes will look much smaller. 
All I need to do, as Angel Raphael instructs today, 
is to remember the goodness of the Lord, because, 
to remember is a Spirituality in itself!

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