Friday, August 2, 2013

WORD 2day

3rd August, 2013

A Jubilee celebration and a Birthday celebration - those are what the readings speak of today! Celebrations form an important part of any society. And the mode of celebrations exhibits amply the culture of the society of provenience. What should a Christian celebration be like, is the question we are invited to reflect on today! The First reading tells us what it should be and the Gospel, what it shouldn't be. Insensitive expenditures, egoistic self propaganda, lustful indulgence, uncontrolled inebriation, objectification of persons, a show of pomp that is inconsistent with the prevailing conditions of inhumanity, an unjustifiable splendour that is so removed from the stark reality of a great part of the society - these are clear indications of a celebration that is UNCHRISTIAN or even anti-Christian. A real Christian celebration should bring to the centre of focus the well being of those who are suffering, those who are struggling under constant poverty and inhumanity, those who face the hardship of want and helplessness of misery day in and day out, those who have got used to living in a state of misfortune, those who find their lives everyday becoming more and more difficult - the celebration should come as a consolation, a hand on the shoulders of these loving children of God! The Jubilee year proposed by the Lord to the people and the ways to observe the Jubilee highlight the elements of selfless concern for the other, a sacrifice for the sake of the less fortunate, justice and righteousness, brotherhood and sisterhood, doing no wrong to the other and the most important of all, a fuller sharing of God's love with one another! We will do well today, to examine our celebrations!

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