Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Wednesday within the Easter Octave: 8th April, 2015

Acts 3: 1-10; Lk 24: 13-35

The presence of the Risen Lord was felt in a concrete sense by the apostles and those around them. The Risen Lord was there as a fire within them, burning their hearts, warming up their relationships, heating up their commitments and lighting up their understanding. Their lives were touched by the Lord and not merely they but all those who were around felt that touch. I was pleasantly surprised, two days back, when one of the cleanliness staff in our campus remarked to me as I was passing him by: 'when you are around, we all sense it fr. There is so much laughter and cheer!' I could not thank God enough for such an affirmation that day.

We are called to be Easter people, radiating joy, radiating warmth, radiating light! That does not mean we would have no problems or no struggles! They would infact abound. But that does not matter because we have within us a fire that is alive, burning and igniting every part of our selves - the fire of the Risen Lord. With that fire and with the burning hearts, we can face any situation and give new lease of life to all around us.

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