Friday, October 30, 2015


The ABC of Being Saints
Solemnity of All Saints 
1st November, 2015

Rev 7: 2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3: 1-3; Mt 5: 1-12 
I have always loved to listen to and recount the anecdote about this boy who was taken to a traditional Cathedral for the first time by his mother. The boy was tremendously impressed with the splatter of colours on the floor due to the rays that shone through the stain glasses on the walls. The boy with his eyes wide opened looked at those stain glasses and asked his mother...'mama,  what is this? ' 'Oh they are the saints! ' said the mother looking at the pictures on the stain glass. That stuck to the boy's mind. And the next day in class when the catechism teacher asked,  who are saints... he shouted out. .." saints are those who let light shine through them! "
I think that's the best possible definition for a saint. A saint is the one who let's the light,  the light of the Lord shine through him or her. 
A saint is the one who ACKNOWLEDGES the supremacy of God,  allowing God to take charge of one's life. 
A saint is the one who BELONGS totally to God, placing God at the centre of his or her life, feeling close to God.
A saint is the one who COMMITS oneself to God's cause,  to God's people,  to God's will, on a daily basis! 
That is the ABC of Being Saints in our lives today! 

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