Saturday, November 21, 2015


Presentation of Mary: 21st Nov,  2015
Zech  2: 14-17; Lk 12: 46-50

Life in God's hands

Just this early morning a youngster calls me up at an odd hour just to say he is feeling bad about the things that are happening in his life. He narrates the things that have happened in the recent past and repeats like refrain the words, "I don't know what's happening to me!" At a point of time I had to stop him and ask a question, "where is God in all this? "

At times we live our life as if everything depended on us! The feast of today reminds us of a life that was lived in God's hands. We see in our Blessed Mother, a person who listened to God's words, heeded God's call and lived a life that was in God's very hands. The challenge is to understand and acknowledge that my life is from God's hands and that it is best lived in God's hands!

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