Thursday, February 18, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 19th February

BE GOOD: Not just doing some good but be good!

Friday, First week of Lent
Ezek 18: 21-28; Mt 5: 20-26

Doing some good now and then is not good enough, the Word challenges us to BE good, and be good consistently. 

Once having been good, does not count! Being persistent in your goodness is the challenge.

Rationalisation and Justification will not excuse you, if you cease to be good. Never tiring in doing good is the sign expected from you.

Making a show of your goodness by way of legalities and fulfillment of requirements amount to nothing, the Lord can see through your paraphernalia and judge you by your internal self. Are you essentially good?

What you do to manifest your goodness does not matter, whether that goodness truly exists within matters much. 

Your external image of being good means nothing because the Lord knows your thoughts that pass judgments on others, your words that kill persons, your wishes that rob people of their respect and dignity. Being Good means being good at the core of your being, every bit of you being good! Yes, it is tough, but we have no choice if we want to call ourselves children of this Merciful Lord.

The Mercilent Attitude today: Be good, don't be satisfied with doing some good!

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