Tuesday, October 18, 2016


18th October,  2016
Celebrating St Luke the evangelist

2 Tim 4: 10-17; Lk 10: 1-9

Luke is an evangelist with a difference.  Luke's speciality consists,  they say in very many things,  but certainly in the following three elements.

The Gospel of the Mother:  Luke has some special portions for our blessed mother in his narrative.  The anunciation, the visitation,  the Magnificat and the blessed mother with the apostles.

The Gospel of Mercy:  Luke 15 is the compendium of the mercy of God as proclaimed by Jesus.  Apart from this chapter Luke has some very special and prophetic pieces of the teaching of Jesus about the mercy of God, the least to say Lk 6:36.

The Gospel of the Meek: Luke's would be considered the gospel with an absolute choice for the poor,  the meek, the lowly,  the gentiles and the sinners! Luke manages to capture the compassionate heart of the father to the best.

The call is... let us be human, compassionate,  merciful and loving;  that's a true Christian living.

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