Monday, May 15, 2017


15th May to 23rd May:


MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS(As recommended by St John Bosco) 

*1. To Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament*
O Most Sweet Jesus, You delight in being with the children of men and being the food of their souls. Grant we beseech You that through the merits of St. John Bosco who did so much to spread the love of frequent Communion, we may receive what we humbly pray for with all the fervour of our souls.
*Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be* with the ejaculation, *Blessed and praised every moment be the most Holy and Divine Sacrament.*_

*2. To Mary Help of Christians*
O Most Holy Virgin, Help of Christians, who worked and continue to work so many wonders through St John Bosco, grant we beseech you that through your goodness and through his merits, we poor sinners may receive the graces we ask for with all the fervour of our souls.
*Hail Holy Queen,* with the ejaculation, *Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.*

*3. To Saint John Bosco*
O St John Bosco, offer our prayers to Jesus and Mary and grant that through your intercession we may obtain an ever increasing love for Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament and Mary, Help of Christians. Amen.
*St John Bosco, pray for us.*

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