Saturday, December 30, 2017


The Solemnity of the Holy Family

31st December, 2017
Gen 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Col 3: 12-21; Lk 2:22-40

Celebrating the feast of Holy Family... we are given a challenging model, a task we have to fulfill as families in today's context. First of all, let us make it clear to ourselves, that the Holy family is not a normal family akin to all our families. So, if you are going to think, 'Oh, my family! how far it is from the one in Bethlehem!'...the Church is not responsible! The Church invites us to look at the family and observe one important fact that we need to: that God deigned to dwell there; that the Word made flesh began the climax of self emptying here in this family!

They too had there own share of difficulties - think of Joseph who wanted to keep Mary away, think of Mary who was wondering how to communicate things to Joseph, think of the neighbourhood who were gossiping about what was going on between Mary and Joseph... everything finds its place there. But apart from these, the holy family was given a specific task to fulfill and the same task is given to us as Christian Families! That is the point of our reflection.

Task 1: Offering the Lord to the World 
She bore the Child and placed it on the manger (Lk 2:7)

The Holy family offered the Lord to the world: Do we do as families? Do we offer the Lord where we live? Do our way of life offer the values of the Lord to our surroundings? Do the families and individuals around have the Lord to take away from us, when they visit us?  Our mode of relating to each other in the family, our way of relating to those around us regardless of what they think or speak of us, the way we share our love to them - these are the ways we can offer the Lord where we live.

Task 2: Bringing the Lord to the Church 
They brought him up to the Jerusalem, to present him (Lk 2:22)

The Holy family brought the Lord to the Temple at Jerusalem. The Lord said he lives where two or three are gathered in the Lord's name! What about our families...aren't we gathered in the name of the Lord and by the holy will of God? If so, aren't our families responsible of bringing the Lord to the community, the gathering of the families? Are our Church gatherings, our communities real union of families or some mass of people congregated? Are we bringing the presence of the Lord to the assemblies of the people of God? Or are we bringing only our own selves, our plans and our programmes?

Task 3: Making space for the Lord at home  
He went down with them to Nazareth (Lk 2:51)

The Holy family created a space for the Lord to live with them. Mary knew this Child was the Son of God and Joseph knew that this was not his boy, the parents knew that child of the family had a specific mission to carry out. They were mindful of the task entrusted to them, to foster that child in their families, to host the Lord in their home. Have we created a concrete space for the Lord in our homes? It is not about the altars we have at home, neat and decorated. It is not about the pictures we hang or the calendars we stare at. It is about the living space, it is about a membership in the family! Is God part of our families, a living member, a participating member in all events and decision making?

The Holy family does more than just standing around and blessing us today! They challenge us to be bearers of the Lord to the world, in spite of our weaknesses. Can we accept that challenge?

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