Friday, February 16, 2018

RevivaLent 2018 - #4

Revive the Choice for God

Saturday after Ash Wednesday: 17th February, 2018
Is 58: 9b-14; Lk 5: 27-32

"Follow Me" - is the loud and clear invitation from the Lord. The choice is ours! The crux of lenten practices is disciplining oneself to choose God.

When we choose the Lord, we follow the Lord. When we choose the Lord, we choose the ways of the Lord. When we choose God, we would choose justice and love. When we choose God, we would choose to love our brothers and sisters with sincerity and commitment. When we choose God, we would choose to stand against all oppression and malice. Killings in the name of God and persecutions in the name of one's spiritual affiliations, are the heights of insincerity and hypocrisy. When we choose to hurt another, we choose to oppose God. When we choose to slander the other, we choose to be contrary to God. 

The call today is to revive our choice for God...the choice we made at our baptism and confirmed at our confirmation... to revive that choice on a daily basis. In our relationships, in our priorities, in every one of our interactions, we are called to choose God and to make that choice clear and loud for every one to see, be inspired and emulate.

Let us revive our choice for God! 

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