Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stewards Affire...

Friday, 8th week in Ordinary Time

1st June, 2018: 1 Pet 4: 7-13; Mk 11: 11-26 

We are given with gifts, and every gift comes with a responsibility. The right mentality of using those gifts is not exactly "like a boss" as the trend among the young says today, but as a servant, as stewards who are entrusted with special responsibilities to be carried out. We are given our life and everything in it as a gift and we are given with it for a purpose. Our life in a particular place and time and history is for a particular purpose! 

The Word reminds us today to understand our call, the purpose and live it to the full. We are called not to be mere servants, or lifeless stewards, but to be stewards affire! To be stewards who are full of fire to live our life to the full, accomplish what God has willed and do it with an unquenchable passion.

The more we are convinced of our purposefulness and the more we are able to give ourselves to the full to God's purposes, the more shall we be in a position to challenge others and remind them of their responsibility. Jesus dared to challenge them because he was integral himself, he was convinced that he was God's steward and he lived that out to the full, affire within! 

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