Sunday, September 23, 2018

Let your light shine!

Monday, 25th week in Ordinary time

24th September, 2018: Prov 3: 27-35; Lk 18: 16-18

We just reflected on being good yesterday! Yes, be good, be just, be righteous...the Proverbs gives us a list of qualities of a just person who is acceptable  in the eyes of the Lord. Be good, be a light, shine before the world invites the Gospel. Let your light shine, let it shine day in and day out, let it shine regardless of the people and the situations around.

We do like to be good, we do wish to shine our light before the world...but is it so in all circumstances? What kind of light we wish to be?

Like the electric bulbs which give light only till that moment that they receive, at times we decide to be good to others only as long as others are good to us; we are good to the world only as long as the world around is good to us. If not, we begin to have second thoughts; we raise myriads of questions!

Like the oil lamps that sustain their burning as long as what they received lasts, we decide to be good for a little longer, anyway our goodness lasts just as long as the memory of good done to us  lasts. We are soon discouraged and disheartened!

Consider a candle, which is ignited to burn and shine. It keeps burning as long as it exists, without expecting anything from anywhere! This is our call: to shine, regardless of what others do to us. Be good in spite of the evil that may rest around you. Be Godly, however ungodly the world around you gets!

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