Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Christ-ian Perseverance...Ready!?!

Wednesday, 34th week in Ordinary time

November 28, 2018: Revelations 15:1-4; Luke 21: 12-19

Perseverance in terms of targets and achievements in the world is, holding on endlessly. The same, when it comes to our relationship with God is, giving up limitlessly. It is to give up totally into the hands of God, regardless of the successes or failures, gains or losses, happiness or sadness, prosperity or misery! 

Faith is all about this giving up, giving up everything and walking with our hands in the hands of God. Indeed it's a challenging feat. Specially considering the fact that today there is a great pressure laid on people to hoard up things, keep striving to prove oneself, ensure one's career or well being in competition with each other...the times are difficult. 

It takes true faith and strong hope, to remain calm and unperturbed even amidst such tribulations. That is true perseverance. Imagine the scenario around you. Truth is heckled at globally, values are sidelined, rights are taken for granted and dignity is reserved only to those who can afford it. It seems like the plagues that we read of in the hands of those angels have been let loose on to humanity! What are you going to do?

Neither hyper-reaction nor frustration can help! Neither counter aggression nor silent witnessing will serve! Neither over confidence nor a sense of hopelessness can strengthen us. Yes, we need perseverance... but not that of the world, which advocates an aggressive, obsessive, success-centered, control seeking obstinacy; but a hopeful, transcendent, serene and child like perseverance, which is truly, Christ-ian perseverance. Are you ready for it?

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