Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Reign of Brothers and Sisters

Thursday, 32nd week in Ordinary Time

November 15, 2018: Philemon 7-20; Luke 17: 20-25

The Reign of God is among you, reminds Jesus. This has been a revolutionary teaching of the Lord for ages; it has incited liberation movements and over thrown some inhuman systems. Today the reminder returns - to make present, to feel the presence and to accept the obligation presented to us by the Reign of God in our day to day life. 

It is true. The Reign of God is not merely some sort of a regime to be imported into an already existing system, it is a mentality, a way of life, a culture to be nurtured and nourished into full growth from amidst us. Our daily life, our normal relationships, our outlook on others, our convictions towards true humanity - that is truly the Reign of God. More than an expectation, Reign of God is a responsibility. 

One of the responsibilities of the Reign is to look at everyone as brothers and sisters and not in terms of subject or as objects. Even if it is a servant or a so-called slave, look at the person, accept the inherent dignity of the person and give them their due without grudging. Let go of divisive mentalities and competitive spirits, look at everyone as a co-pilgrim on this journey called life.

There are moments when one gives and others, when one receives. One is not better than the other; both are part of the same process. No giver is always a giver; one shall find oneself at the receiving end at some point of time, provided he or she is ready to see!

The Reign of God is here, begin to feel it, work to make it present and spread it in spirit through everything you are involved in.

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