Sunday, December 9, 2018

The WORD in ADVENT - Living the Reign here and now #9

Perceive and Anticipate the Incredible

Second Monday in Advent: December 10, 2018 
Isaiah 35:1-10; Luke 5: 17-26

Living the Reign here and now is perceiving the presence of the Reign wherever we are. When the Reign comes you witness the incredible!  The Lord is around and when you let the Lord into your life, things you consider incredible just happen from nowhere. It's Isaiah's prediction and made true by the event in the Gospel and the reaction of those high priests and scribes.

In our lives too the Lord stands knocking at the door to change things and to change the way we see things... it is upto us to let the Lord in.  We would let him in when we are able to anticipate the incredible things that are possible and at times not possible too! 

The Prophets have always been giving the indications of the Messianic times. The dumb speaking, the lame walking, the possessed freed and the captives liberated... the people saw all these happening with Jesus around. But they stopped with seeing. The people around could not perceive the message beyond all that was happening around them! 

We too see a lot happening, but we are called not just to see, but to perceive. To perceive the signs that the Lord gives us - to build up the true Reign of God... not our petty kingdoms, not our ego centers, not our brand building and not our monopoly. 

If we do not begin to perceive, we will miss the whole message! Without perceiving, miracles wont be miracles... we will only see strange things, as in today's Gospel! With perceiving we not only see what is happening, but we anticipate even the incredible. Only when we perceive and anticipate the incredible, we shall be prepared to live the Reign here and now!

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