Friday, January 25, 2019

Apostles: to live and to inspire!


January 26, 2019: Sts. Timothy and Titus

2 Timothy 1: 1-8 (or Titus 1:1-5); Luke 10: 1-9

Timothy and Titus are two models we are presented with today.  They were both finds of St. Paul on his journeys. Inspiring the listeners to make a life choice is a special gift that some are given with. St. Paul possessed this and used it well for the Reign of God. Timothy and Titus join the great band of apostles that Jesus initiated.

The Word on this feast day offers us three insights:

1. Timothy had received Faith as a gift from God and St. Paul asks him to fan its flames... So are we called to fan to flames of God's glory, the gift we have received, our Faith. In it rests the real meaning for humanity! We have we realise it?

2. Titus becomes a child to Paul in faith... So do we become brothers and sisters, bonded by faith, that is the relationship we have with God. It is God who unites us - hence, are we mindful of the unity we share or are we looking for reasons to divide and discriminate among ourselves?

3. We are all sent...just as was St. Paul to live the Word and inspire persons! Inspire people whom we meet, by our words making them so founded on the Lord and the Lord's Word, that the listeners would feel like giving praise to God and give their lives to God! This is what we are called to - to be Apostles, that is, to live and to inspire, in the name of the Word. Can we?

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