Monday, March 11, 2019

Be God's

Journey to Holiness: Believe and belong to the Lord.

March 12, 2019: Tuesday, 1st Week of of Lent
Isaiah 55:  10-11; Matthew 6: 7-15

Yesterday we were invited to reflect on 'being Godly' and today we are reminded of our fundamental nature of belonging to God: we are God's own... God's sons and daughters. 

God's Word, God's presence with us is so effective that everything can be transformed by it: but there is hitch. That is the personal freedom that God has given us, as the core element of our fundamental dignity! God will never take that for granted. Anything that God wishes to do for us: it depends on our personal choice; the use of our freedom! We need to choose it, positively and personally. 

At times we get so busy with all that we involve - things, persons, activities, dreams, plans and projects - that we forget to whom we belong. Imagine in a football game, if a player in the midfield were playing so vigorously that he forgot for whom he or she is playing...  funny, isn't it? That is what happens with us, so regularly and so unwittingly. Most of our problems in life crop up from this situation... our frustrations, our competitions, our anxiety to prove ourselves, our arrogance, our pride, our self conceit, they come from the fact that we are not mindful of the fact that we are all God's. 

God's word, God's plan, God's design, God's reign - these are the overriding principles that should govern our lives if we are convinced that we are God's.

Holiness tip for today: Belong to God, in all that you are and in all that you do.

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