Sunday, March 24, 2019

Be Obedient

Journey to Holiness: Dare to submit do God's will

March 25, 2019: The Solemnity of Annunciation 
Isaiah 7: 10-14, 8:10; Hebrews 10: 4-10; Luke 1: 26-38

Obedience can take various degrees to it: the first is, doing what is said. Doing what is said is not entirely easy, unless a person is so dull headed that he or she has no idea or nothing to do on one's own. Obeying commands, keeping the rules, fulfilling the requirements - these fall under this category.

The second degree is that of doing what is intended. This goes a bit beyond the first, in as much as the person who wishes to obey, is interested in knowing what is intended by what is asked of the person. It is not merely obeying rules but understanding the intention behind the rules; it is not merely fulfilling the requirements, but knowing what the purpose is behind the requirement; it is not merely carrying out what is said, but being interested in doing what is not said. This is more meritorious than the first and basic degree of obedience.

What Jesus teaches us and what we celebrate today in our Blessed Mother is the third degree of obedience. This is not merely doing what is said or what is intended, but living one's life according to what is wished, willed and planned by someone who wishes your good. This is the most matured obedience in the Spirit: a will and choice to submit to the will of the One who has created and called and commissioned me with this life. At times I would not even know what is expected of me, most of the times I may not know what would be the real outcome of it, but in spite of all these, I make an absolute choice and say: 'I am yours; I come to do your will; be it done unto me according to your Word'. That requires an assistance and strengthening from the Spirit of courage and childlike trust.

The Solemnity today affirms that this obedience leads to Salvation, salvation which means fullness of life, fullness of joy and fullness of meaning. 

Holiness tip for today: Dare to submit to God's will, obey!

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