Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Reign: that which lasts!

Wednesday, 10th week in Ordinary time

June 12, 2019: 2 Corinthians 3: 4-11; Matthew 5: 17-19

Moses allows divorce; Jesus forbids. Moses insists on the sabbath; Jesus relativises it. Moses gives cleanliness rules; Jesus despises the insistence on the external cleanliness. We can go on listing certain elements that people, not only during Jesus' time but even today, consider contrasting each other, between the law given by Moses and the lifestyle proposed by Jesus. They are not contrasting one another - the latter is outgrowing the former; the latter is letting the former evolve! 

Evolving is always towards a destined finality - and here the destiny is 'that which lasts'. It is not to lose ourselves in passing and transient concerns but to focus on that which lasts. According to Jesus that which lasts forever is the Reign of God. 

Reign of the God is that absolute criterion against which all these rules, regulations, legislations and customs shall be understood, interpreted and made sense of. Reign of God is the righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Concentrating on the interior peacefulness and happiness, leads to integrity - which is the only possibility of each of us becoming agents of the Reign of God, bringing all God's will to fulfillment. 

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