Thursday, August 1, 2019

Do you see Jesus?

WORD 2day: Friday, 17th week in Ordinary time

August 2, 2019: Leviticus 23: 1,4-11,15-16,27; Matthew 13: 54-58 

Due to their lack of faith, Jesus did not work many mighty deeds among them, says the Gospel today. I remember once talking to a group of youngsters, a young friend asked me, "If God could not do a miracle, be it for whatever reason, is it not a limitation or a weakness?" "It is not God's weakness", I said, "but the strength that God has shared with us." 

God created us in God's image and likeness and this likeness ensures that we are hardly different from God (Ps.8)! That makes us also persons with inviolable freedom, a freedom which not even God would take away. Though many dissent it saying it is the cause of scores of evil in the world, it is that which makes us human, and gives us the dignity as the images of the Creator. Without the 'personal freedom' we would be no more than the animals. 

Faith and Freedom have a great deal to do with each other. Faith is a response given in freedom, a total absolute freedom of the inner being of a person. Jesus in his freedom chooses to enter the synagogue to pray with his people and the people with their freedom choose to see only the apparent facts of Jesus, as the son of the carpenter and a son of their soil. They were not able to see the divine import of his actions, his words and the signs that he was accomplishing. 

Today, it can happen so if we look at Jesus as someone kept aside for Sundays, specials days and some particular moments of other days! All the festivals that the people celebrated - as we see in the first reading -were a preparation for them to receive in fullness the presence of the Lord among them! But when they are carried out for the sake of the rule that is laid out, they lose their real purpose, and no more do they help in SEEING the Lord present. It is an oft repeated warning from the Lord, not to make our spirituality legalistic and our piety pharisaic! 

Are we able to see Jesus in our everyday life?

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