Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Life or Death - what do you choose?

THE WORD IN LENT: Thursday after Ash Wednesday

February 27, 2020: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20; Luke 9: 22-25
Point for Dialogue #1: Life or Death

Life and Death: both are present right in front of us! The choice is ours. The choice is a bit tricky. And as all truth, it is dialogic. There needs to be a profound understanding before we choose one of these, or anything for that matter in life. 

Let us beware, choosing to live may not always be a choice for Life; neither does choosing to die for a cause, mean a choice for death! There needs to be a dialogue between our innermost selves and the choices we make on a dialy basis.

In the name of a happy life, a comfortable life or a prosperous life the world today runs after false guarantees: Money, Pleasure, Power, Domination, Ego and Social Status... and the result - promiscuity, exploitation, loss of self and human dignity, lack of respect for life... in short, a CULTURE OF DEATH. That is what the world is battling against today. 

Instead if we choose love, sacrifice, mutual respect, empowerment of the other, wishing the good of the other, universal brotherhood and sisterhood in the One God who has created us all - it would cost a lot personally - but it would be definitely a TURN TO LIFE. We see Jesus getting ready to lay down his life in the Gospel - was it a choice for death? No a concrete and absolute choice for life, for eternal life, for you and me. 

Hence, today, let us not tread the beaten path towards the culture of death, but resolve to turn to life, in every way, every day. Let a live dialogue be on, within ourselves that we will always have the Truth in front our eyes. 

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