Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The inner stuff that we are made of...

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 5th week in Ordinary time

February 12, 2020: 1 Kings 10: 1-10; Mark 7: 14-23

Wisdom is seen in what comes out of one's mouth, out of one's mind and out of one's life! Queen of Sheba found that with Solomon and praised God. Jesus invites us to pay attention to such an outlook on life - being mindful of what comes out!

From the fullness of the heart does your mouth speak, they say. From what fills your mind does your choices emerge and from your choices is your life's direction determined. And hence, the most crucial element to pay attention to in our existence, in not so much what we do and what we say, as what we think and how we think! Is it not clear then why St. Paul instructed us to 'put on the mind of Christ'.

Do not try to do all that Christ did. Do not try to do all that some saint did. That is not what you are called for. Instead, try to get into the mind of Christ; try to get into the mind of these brothers and sisters of ours in Christ, who have gone before us and shine as examples. Getting into their minds, find out why they did what they did. That will give you a clue to how to think and what we think. And from there will be born choices, a direction for life, a direction that will take you closer and closer what God intended of you! 

It is so pointless to be taken up with what one eats and what one avoids, what one does and what one restrains from, what one promotes and what one denounces - they are all meaningful one in as much as one is clear and transparent about what one really believes and what one is convinced of - that is the inner stuff one is made of. Let us be mindful of it and be attentive to it: the inner stuff that we are made of. 

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