Saturday, May 30, 2020


Principles of Unity: Communication, Conciliation and Christ

Solemnity of Pentecost: May 31, 2020
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23

We are people of the Spirit - that is the reminder we are given with today, the day when the Church was born! We are people of the Spirit - in contrast to the people of the world (if at all we can make that distinction). But being people of the Spirit is not merely a namesake understanding. Our life has to show that we are people of the Spirit. 

What does it mean to be people of the Spirit? The fruits and the gifts of the Spirit that we are well aware of, inspires in us a lifestyle that is ideal and an inspiration to everyone around. If we are truly the people of the Spirit, it has to be seen; seen in our daily life, our daily choices, in our very way of life. Infights, ego clashes, misunderstandings, jealousies, misgivings, hidden agenda, exploitation of persons, manipulation of vulnerabilities - these are signs of the lack of Spirit, or even a spirit that is against the Holy Spirit of God. The sad fact is that even some so-called spiritual people give into these deficiencies and that is a clear sign that they are 'spiritual people' only in their name and title. 

First and foremost, we need to understand that the Spirit inspires love; love inspires unity; unity is the fundamental mark of the people of God, the people of the Spirit. Let us have a look at the event of Pentecost that we celebrate today and that which is narrated in the first reading. The coming of the Spirit cause three movements: first the movement of the Spirit from within the apostles and disciples - they who were all absorbed in themselves go out of themselves and reach out to others; the second movement is beyond all limits - the limits of fear, the limits of ignorance, the limits of weakness, the limits of timidity; the third movement is the stirring all around - not just the apostles, every one who heard them speak were moved by the Spirit to understand the  message that was spoken! These are the very same movements that the Church and the world needs even today and the Spirit alone can  cause them, for the good of everyone, for the good of humanity, for the good of the universe! Today we need to feel moved from within from egocentricity towards benevolence. We need to move beyond limits that we set for ourselves, the limits of creed, colour, language and other communal polarisations, towards the feeling of One humanity. We badly need to feel the stirring from within to understand the obvious message that is written all around us in the events and experiences like poverty, disease, climate crisis, eco-imbalance, criminalities and violent terrorism, towards humanity, compassion and true love for each other. 

Apart from the traditional fruits and the gifts of the Spirit, there is a nature that the Spirit instills in those persons within whom the Spirit resides. This nature is the very essense of the Spirit: Oneness. The unity and love between God the Father and Mother and the Son of God, is the Spirit. Spirit is the communion! Spirit is Union of hearts! Spirit is the principle of Unity! And there are certain principles of unity that the Spirit ensures in a Spirit-filled person. 

The first of those principles of unity is Communication. Simple blocks in communication among persons are the primary cause of big unresolved issues. Husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, kith and kin, friends and neighbours - when communication stops, understanding disappears. Communication stops due to blocks like prejudice, taking the other for granted and ego trips. Even when one talks, the other doesn't really understand because the other is listening from his or her own prejudice or pre-understanding. When each one hears only what one wants to hear, there is either lack of communication or gross miscommunication!

Spirit enables communication - which is fundamentally and literally, 'making something common' or 'rendering something common to'. Communication means that some thing that has been known to me, I make it common between you and me, which means you and I share a common space from where we are able to understand each other, speak to the other and listen from the other, without creating any blocks or transformers in between us. The Spirit makes us communicate - I and the Father are One said Jesus, and said, the Advocate that the Father sends will receive everything from me and make it known to you! The Spirit makes us communicate, that we are able to find that common space between us where we are able to see what the other sees, hear what the other says, and feel what the other feels.

Conciliation is an important principle of unity. We are human persons, each with our own limitations and weaknesses. We cannot avoid misunderstandings and misgivings, little or grave, but what is detrimental here is, not being ready to find a way out of these misunderstandings and misgivings. A truly Spirit-filled will take the initiative of reconciling with the other. He or she will not look for reasons to blame the other or excuses to prolong the stand off. The Spirit-filled persons will find ready reasons to reconcile, to rebuild relationships and build up the Body of Christ. 

Look at the recent events in the world scenario - the whole world is reeling under the pandemic and there are those who are waiting, striving and fighting hard to pin the blame on someone and call for a 'retaliation'! Blaming the other, calling names, fiery talks, unfounded accusations, underground instigations: these will take us nowhere! When shall we understand this? Are they truly Spirit-filled persons who spit fire and cry vengeance? Pope Francis, unfortunately right from the beginning of his Papacy, has had to confront already so many moments of crisis and standoffs among world leaders and international powers. Every time, he has insisted with the leaders 'to be responsible, to be promoters of peace and not war'! That is the sign of a truly Spirit filled person.

Christ is the invincible principle of unity. The Spirit unites us in the Lord. We become One, one in the Lord, one body of Christ and this is possible only through the Spirit. This oneness has to be felt at all levels and it is a sheer gift of the Holy Spirit. Let us begin with the personal oneness - the oneness that is seen within a person; where words and actions are one; where hidden thoughts and outward speech are one; where inner convictions and external expressions are one! Another level is interpersonal oneness - the oneness of hearts and minds among persons in relationship; families, spouses, friends, communities etc. The next level is the communitarian oneness - the oneness of the people of God; feeling compassion for the other, respecting and being open to the other even though he or she is different from me, and has convictions and beliefs different from mine. 

Believing in Christ, has to unite us not divide us. As St. Paul would complain, do not say, I belong to Paul, I belong to Apollos or I belong to Cephas...saying thus you are dividing the Lord. Today the factions that we have among the believers and the way one group vies with the other to increase their numbers or prove their strength is an outright counter witness to the One Lord and that is why, a divided church is the greatest scandal in the world. If we truly believe in  One Lord and pledge our allegiance to that One Lord, where does the division and fight come from? 

A true sign of a Spirit filled persons is the person's longing for unity and his or her concrete initiatives towards unity. Are we truly persons of the Spirit? Then let it be seen in our oneness of heart and mind, in our love and compassion for the other, in our respect and loving coexistence with the others, who are different from ourselves! May the Spirit unite us among us and unite us with God, the Father and Christ, the Son and Saviour. 

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