Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Never lose the Focus

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 23rd week in Ordinary time

September 9, 2020: 1 Corinthians 7: 25-31: Luke 6: 20-26

The early christian community in fact expected that they would see Jesus around, in his second coming already in their time... they were preparing for it intensely. The moment they began to realise it was getting delayed, they began to grow lax in their life of virtues! They thought, after all, it may take a lot of time... just as the waiting for the Messiah the first time took so long. 

It is in this context that Paul writes to them...about celibacy, purity and single minded dedication to the Lord. His call, in simple terms was: never lose focus, for everything will come to pass in no time! The 'long' time that you think of is very relative! But that does not in anyway exempt you from your personal life time, life choices and life tasks!

The second coming may be at an appointed time which the Lord alone knows and we wait for it, with patience and focus. But, if we believe that the second coming is a moment of judgement, that moment is here and now... for our choices every moment determine the judgement that is going to be! Every time I choose something or avoid something, I am bringing upon me a judgement by myself. That is what Jesus tells us in the Gospel: I make myself blessed or unfortunate! I need to be informed, alert and categorical about my choices - they determine what I will be judged to be. 

The crux is that I never lose the focus, even as I am involved in hectic activity! Never lose the Focus!

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