Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Thank You Lord for 2020

WORD 2day: The last day of the year

December 31, 2020: 1 John 2: 18-21; John 1: 1-18

There is a discussion of the last days, in the readings today and indeed it is the last day of this year! As we begin this day, let our hearts be filled with thanksgiving! The light, the true light, the Word, the Eternal word is here amidst us! Let this day be dedicated to thank the Lord for all the experiences of the year that is just passing by, though it has been apparently tough and trying.  

There is another interesting detail that we can notice, if we are a little attentive to the readings. The first reading begins with the expression that these are the last days, while the Gospel reading begins with the affirmation that in the beginning there was Word. The last days and the beginning, spoken of together. That is the norm of life - something ends and something begins. But in Christ-ian parlance - it is a matter of hope. There are times when things seem gloomy and dark - but we can never despair. The Lord is constanly making new things for us: behold I make things new (Rev 21:5)!

We would do well today to list everything that we have received from the Lord. It would do good also to list the moments of anxiety and pain that we, and the world, have been through during the year, and find out what they have to offer or teach us for our lives. It would be wonderful if we review our lives once again today, affirm to ourselves the marks of the people of God; and resolve to do away with those that do not fit in to that definition of our identity.

There is one message that the Word wants to leave strongly in our minds, as we end this year and get ready to start a new one, and that is: "The Word has become flesh; and dwells among us!" The Lord is with us and that is the note of hope with which we await the new year! Good bye 2020...!

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