Saturday, January 16, 2021

Divine Solidarity that makes us complete

WORD 2day: Saturday, 1st week in Ordinary time
January 16, 2021: Hebrew 4:12-16; Mark 2: 13-17
The Word became human and lived amidst us, sharing every bit of our reality, everything except sin. The same Word lives with us and within us today, enlightening us, sustaining us and making us complete. 

As the psalmist instructs us, the Lord knows me through and through, knows when I sit and when I stand, even before a word is on my mouth, the Lord knows what I am about to say and knows even the thoughts in my heart. 

These knowings are not for judging me or conditioning me, they are not means of labeling or categorising me...they are means of Divine Solidarity that makes me Whole. God the only Complete Being, chooses to complete my being, in spite of my unworthiness and imperfections. 

This Divine Solidarity is a grace and a vocation. Grace, because we know we are loved forever without conditions or limits. That is our Identity - people loved by God. It is a Vocation, because we are called to imitate the same solidarity in Empathy - not judging and gossiping, calumniating and scandalising, but feeling one with the weak and healing those with hurts. We are called to empathise, build up solidarity among us because, one of the fundamental expressions of true love is solidarity. 

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