Tuesday, February 16, 2021

LENT 2021

LENT: Living Enthusiastically the Need for Transformation

Each of us has the need for transformation...and we are reminded of it time and again, if we are spiritually awake! It is not our weakness that makes us truly weak, but our mindlessness of our weakness! That is why the Pope Emeritus often said, 'what is more dangerous than sin, is the loss of the sense of sin.' While Pope Francis incessantly recalls the absolute mercifulness of God in forgiving and extending God's hands of embrace, he repeats with equal insistence the need for conversion - conversion from godlessness to Godliness in our daily lives. 

Once again this year for the season of Lent, the Holy Father insists on the need for renewal, the need for transformation, the need to remain conscious of the journey we are called to make to the holy mount of Jerusalem, the eternal Jerusalem - the Reign of God. 

Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem (Mt 20: 18)
Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love

The Season of Lent this year invites us to journey towards beholding Truth in faith, towards refreshing our lives at the living waters of hope and towards nurturing love as the highest expression of faith and hope. 

The need that we have for transformation is not a guilt-ridden feeling but an enthusiastic reminder. True to its literal meaning, 'filled with God', the enthusiasm that is created is Spirit-given. Repent and believe in the Gospel! Our Transformation is a Need and it has to be Enthusiastically Lived...Living Enthusiastically the Need for Transformation, is the crux of every season of LENT

Happy Lent to you!

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