Monday, May 3, 2021

Peace - a blessing or a dare!?

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 5th week in Easter time

May 4, 2021: Acts 14: 19-28; Jn 14: 27-31a

Peace... the gift of the Risen Lord. Peace would mean lack of conflicts and an absence of turbulence, in ordinary terms. But for Jesus it is different. That is why he seems very particular in explaining to the apostles that the peace that he gives us, is not the same as the peace that the world thinks. In simple terms, Christ-ian peace, is quite different from the peace that the world powers and organisations speak of, though they do nothing even about ìt. Anyway, we are not to sit on judgement on others! 

Peace, according to the mind of Christ, is not lack of conflicts but it is a victory over all conflicts, it is overcoming all the inner, interpersonal,  societal and universal conflicts! It is not merely an absence of turbulence but a transcending of all turbulence, a rising above all disturbance and a resolution of all crisis not an absence of them. We see this clearly in the lives of Paul, Barnabas and other apostles who seem to perfectly understand the peace of the Lord. One trouble over, they were up for the next. 

In these times of pandemic and the related crises that surrounds us, we are called to rethink our concept of peace! It is in no way staying clear of crises, but it is staying calm in the midst of a crisis. At times we take the easiest way out of things... find alternative meanings and convenient descriptions to justify our comfort zones and complacent lives. In the context where I live, during the Eucharistic celebration the peace is shared by shake of hands...fearing the pandemic issues, shake of hands was discouraged. But conveniently, people skip the part of sharing of peace and go ahead with the next part of the rite, while celebrating Mass. It is not that sharing of peace is obligatory...but look at the comfort and convenience is skipping that part - to avoid the so-called gestures like looking at the other in eye and sharing the peace of Christ: is that too demanding for us?

Some times in families and among friends, we stay conveniently out of the lives of people and define our own boundaries, without really getting into true and difficult relationships. Peace is not staying away from misunderstandings or mishaps, but living through them with the daring Spirit of Christ, to encounter persons, to live our lives to the full, in spite of the troubles that are foreseen! Can we?

For the apostles and the first Christians, peace was in the Lord and nothing could stop them from making it their own. Amidst all the turbulence, disturbance and crises they enjoyed a peace and serenity that no one even comprehended. That is why today, more than being a blessing, the peace of Christ is a dare! Do you dare to share that peace, the peace of the Lord?

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