Sunday, June 20, 2021

To let go!

WORD 2day: Monday, 12th week in Ordinary time

June 21, 2021: Genesis 12: 1-9; Matthew 7: 1-5

We will be presented with Abraham for our reflection for the next few days. But what was so special about Abraham? From the very first moment the Word clarifies that. Leave your country and your people, calls the Lord and there he is doing it with such confidence. He lets go of everything, everything that gave him an identity.

The Gospel presents to us a similar and greater challenge: to let go... of our opinions, judgements and prejudices about people and to be open minded. At times we become so handicapped, not because of any physical or mental disability, but the spiritual incapacity to remain open, so filled with our own opinions and judgements. 

We decide on seeing a person, what kind of a person someone is - and worse, we boast about it saying, 'I can say what kind of a person someone is, at the very first sight!'. With one experience with someone, we decide everyone from that background or from the same context, will be the same and we become cautious or judgemental about them! When someone does something we are alright with it, but if someone else whom we do not have a great opinion about, does the same thing, we make a hue and cry as if the whole world is crumbling!

How many new experiences we would have lost because of our opinionated approach! How many enriching encounters we would have lost because of our prefixed judgements! How many growth experiences we would have lost because of our prejudiced mindset. How prepared are we to let go of our opinions and judgements and look at persons and realities everytime with fresh eyes? It is truly a spirituality, to let go!

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