Sunday, December 19, 2021

O Emmanuel - the Servant life-syle


December 20, 2021: Fourth Monday in Advent

Isaiah 7:10-14; Luke 1: 26-38

We are getting very close to the great feast of the mystery of incarnation, and our respobsibility thickens too! Today we have two terms to pay attention to.

The first is the maiden who would bear and give birth to a child and the reference to Mary as the handmaiden who accepts the will of the Father as the plan for her life! The term that is suggested by these elements is Servant. Servant, not in the sense of a slave or a dependent, but in the sense of someone who takes up the cause of the One who orders everything. That is what we are called to be: behold I come to do your will - we heard that passage just this Sunday. Just like Jesus became  servant, so are we called to become. Just as my Father sent me, so I send you out, said Jesus.

The second term is inspired by the experience of Emmanuel - God with us. Emmanuel is that experience of God as someone very close to us, someone living and moving with us, someone who is one among us. 'God with us' need not be only an experience from elsewhere, it can and it should become a life-style! That is, it becomes the way we  live our daily life.

Bringing the two terms together: Servant lifestyle is a crucial experience of God and an experience of a person of God! 

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