Friday, December 30, 2022

A New Song to the Lord!

WORD 2day: Last day of the year 2022

December 31, 2022: 1 John 2:18-21; John 1:1-18

Oh what a day to sing a new song, one may think! When everyone thinks of something that is ending, the Word calls us today to sing a new song! Not that the liturgy does not take note of the last does! In fact, the first reading speaks of the last days and the things that pertain to the last day! But the responsorial, that is the response to that Word, invites us already to sing a new song! That is truly a Christ-ian spirit! 

To sing a new song when every one thinks everything is coming to its end, for our hope has no end. It is a beginning for us... a new beginning, in the Lord, in whom we have "received grace upon grace" (John 1:16). Today... is a day to thank the Lord for everything, for everything that we have walked through this year. Some, we may label 'good', and others we may label 'bad'... but invariably everything has happened with the knowledge of God...there is nothing more blessed than to offer everything up into the hands of God this day, as we await an all new grace from God's hands... a new year that begins at the end of this day. 

Let us prepare ourselves in thanksgiving to receive an all new grace from God's hands... and in the meanwhile, come, let us sing a new song to the Lord!


Kirtana Moses said...

Very inspiring msg Fr .
Thank you n wish you a blessed new year filled with God's grace

chris said...

Glad it inspires! Thanks and Praise be to the Lord.
Have a lovely year ahead!