Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Light and darkness; Love and hatred!

WORD 2day - 5th day in Christmas Octave

December 29, 2022: 1 John 2: 3-11; Luke 2: 22-35

Christmas is not over yet, we are still in the Octave! There is a gradual revelation of the Son who has come into the world - Simeon today identifies the Light that has come into the world: a light of revelation for the gentiles and glory for Israel (Lk 2:32). 

There is come amidst us the light, which makes us see the right facts, the light which helps us understand the real meaning of our life, the light that Christ is, the light that Christ brought into the world - that is LOVE. Whoever claims to be in light but hates his brother or sister, is still in darkness (1 Jn 2:9)...they have still not seen the light, the true light, the Christ, the Son!

Light and darkness, Love and hatred...everything is around us today in every situation. What is our choice - to accept the light and to behold the Christ? Or to compromise with the world and remain in darkness? Light is love, and hatred is darkness. It can fill us - either light or the darkness of hatred. 

Yes, light is love, hatred is darkness. Amidst the vast crowd that does not mind being in darkness for reasons known only to them, let our light shine - because we have beheld the Lord, because we have seen Love! We can shine as light or we can get stifled by darkness - the choice is ours!

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