Friday, January 13, 2023

Doing all that we can!

WORD 2day: Friday, 1st week in Ordinary time

January 13, 2023: Hebrews 4:1-5,11; Mark 2: 1-12

Doing all that one can is not a strange mindset or life style these days. There are people who do all that they can for a lot of things that they wish to achieve. And there are so many things today for which the people are ready to do all that they can. The Word today invites us too, to do all that we can - but for what and for whom?

Do all you can to reach that place of rest, invites the letter to the Hebrews. And the Gospel presents to us those persons who did all that they can to reach that paralytic man to Jesus, so that Jesus could heal him. Doing all you can... that is the call today! 

As we alrady said, people are ready today to do all that they can for themselves and for their own goals... they manipulate, they compromise, they adjust, they give up, they give in, they cheat, they plot, they even kill in order to achieve their ends - regardless of whether they are religious or irreligious, whether they are lay or consecrated, whether already living a comfortable life or not! This is the sense of 'do-all-you-can' that the world today upholds!

The Word gives us a different picture instead: do all you can to receive the rest that God has prepared for you - that alone is eternal, everything else is passing. The gospel challenges us: do all you can for others, for your neighbours, for those in need and those who are suffering, for those who are miserable and desperate to find the Lord - that is the unfailing way to the peace, that the Word of God indicates to us. Yes, for that eternal rest and for those who are in need around you, do all you can!

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