Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Spirit Frees

WORD 2day - Wednesday, 2nd week after Easter

April 19, 2023: Acts 5: 17-26; John 3:16-21

From the prison to freedom, from the chains to an unfettered spirit, from fear to total commitment... the Spirit frees us in the spirit, and strengthens us to walk upright without fear or tredipdation. At times truth hurts and at times it costs much, but if in the Spirit, we would consider nothing too demanding when it comes to living a life of resurrection.

Fear can be treated as an acronym says a popular wisecrack: False Evidence Appearing Real... in fact, the source of fear is the lack of light! It is darkness that makes us hesitate, falter and stumble. When there is light and we can see everything, there is less chances for fear and confusion. That is what happened to the apostles... they had the light and nothing could stop them from going ahead!

They had the light because, the Light had come to the world, as Jesus explains to us in the Gospel. Yes, the Light has come into the world, the Light has risen from the dead, the Light lives with us... why should we fear? The Spirit frees us to see the light, behold the light and see with the help of the light and we shall not fear. 

If I have the courage to see the Light, accept it and walk in it, nothing can stop me, not even death - because I have the eternal life within me and that is the Spirit of the Lord who frees me!

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