Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Be Calm and Behold God!

WORD 2day: Thursday, Second week in Ordinary time

January 18, 2024 - 1 Samuel 18:6-9, 19:1-7; Mark 3: 7-12

The enemy makes entry into our lives in subtle ways! One of the easiest entry points is our ego; and that is what happens to Saul, as we see today in the first reading. This was the beginning of his end. Looking for the approval of those around makes us slaves to others! 

It is not enough to write on our logos and our mottos, "In God we Trust," as we pray in the responsorial today... we need to learn to do it - truly allowing God to run our lives!

At times, human approval is one of the first enemies to doing God's holy will. Jesus knew this so well and that is why when people were in awe, admiring his healing and miracles, he withdrew to the mountains to unite with God. When the evil spirits try the same trick, affirming him that he was the Son of God, Jesus does nothing but command them to silence. I do not need your approval, he seems to say on their faces!

Jesus teaches us, to be alert regarding the evil one and related tactics! As St. Peter instructs us in his letter, "Be calm, but vigilant; your enemy, the devil is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat!" (1 Pet 5:8). The entry is slow and subtle... but every point of time, everything will look reasonable, and that is the way we are deceived to giving in.

Let us live every day of our life, as mere instruments of God and we will see the serenity and peace that we will enjoy. To God alone be praise, honour and adoration!

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