Monday, March 11, 2024

Be Glad - the Lord comes to encounter us!

THE WORD IN LENT - Tuesday, Fourth week

March 12, 2024 - Ezekiel 47: 1-9,12; John 5: 1-3,5-16

Through the desert God leads us to freedom. This freedom is, beyond the cross and through the cross that stands tall drawing our attention; it is through the desert which offers us some valuable learning experiences that we are led to freedom, to salvation, to new life. Just as these days of lent take us towards that experience of resurrection, so does out journey of lent take us towards new life, new life in the Risen Lord. 

One of the strong symbols of the Paschal feast is water - being the waters through which the pasch of the Israel brought them across the Red sea; the waters of Jordan that signified conversion to the people who lined up before John; the living waters Jesus said - let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink (Jn 7:37) - the water that is promised for those who need rejuvenation, renewal and new life. Here is where the Word gives us an reason to rejoice... while we are given this offer of the life giving water, in God's bountiful mercy, the water flows to us, instead of we going to the waters.

We see that in the Gospel today, so symbolically expressed. While the man was waiting to go to the waters to draw life from it, the water was coming to him, the life giving water, the life transforming water was reaching out to him - Jesus comes to encounter him, asking him, "do you wish to be well again?" The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. The Lord comes to encounter us, just as the waters flows from the presence of the Lord towards Ezekiel in the first reading. 

Wherever the river flows, all living creatures teeming in it will live, says the Word. When the Lord comes to encounter us, we shall live, we shall be born again, we shall be touched and transformed, we shall be asked to pick up our mats and walk - walk towards a new life, towards our eternal life. How glad we should be, that the Lord chooses to come to us. There are stagnant voices, festering waters, infested with negativity and prejudice, all around us. But we are called to focus on that flowing water from the eternal presence of the Lord... the Lord comes to encounter us, let us behold him and rejoice!

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