Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Eucharistic Dimensions: Encounter and Communion


September 16, 2024 - Remembering Sts. Cornellius and Cyprian
1 Corinthians 11: 17-26,33; Luke 7: 1-10

The Word presents to us today, two inseparable and consequential dimensions of the Eucharistic celebration: Encounter and Communion. These two dimensions are inseparable, complementary, consequential and dependent on one another; and that, at two levels! One at the immediate level, and the other at transcendental level! 

The Body of Christ is the key to understand these levels and and these dimensions. Christ comes alive and encounters us at the immediate level during the celebration and we are called to grow in that communion at the tranformational or transcendental level, that is in continuity of our daily life. The second is the Body of Christ which is he people of God - who encounter each other at the immediate level within the eucharistic celebration and are challenged to grow and transform themselves into that communion at the transcendental, or transformational level of their faith life. 

When these two dimensions are not experienced in and through a Eucharist, that celebration remains merely a ritual and the Lord shall certainly not approve of it. We do ourselves more harm through it, warns St. Paul. While these two dimensions blend in and bear fruit at the immediate and the transcendental levels, creating a community of love and peace, the Lord shall expressedly congratulate us, as he does to the centurion!

The saintly martyrs we celebrate today, one a Pope and the other a Bishop, were great models in this teaching and practice. They recognised the real challenge of making the Eucharistic gathering truly a moment of communion of hearts rather than merely a ritual of ceremonies. For us today, that needs a bit of homework prior to the celebration itself: communion has to be built on a daily basis and celebrated at the Eucharist. If it has not been built already, what do we celebrate at all?

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Good Teachings and Right Teachings

WORD 2day: Monday, 22nd week in Ordinary time

Septermber 2, 2024: 1 Corinthians 2: 1-5; Luke 4: 16-30

The world today runs after so many preachers, sages, gurus, leaders, speakers, trainers, etc. There are many who practice it as a trade! Some have fans and followers across the globe. They are all good... talented... interesting... exciting... thought provoking. But the question is, how right are the teachings? It is important to differentiate good teachings from right teachings.

Teachings that are worded beautifully, formulated creatively and expressed attractively but do not lead to true harmony, self transcendence, compassionate love and mutual concern based on the fact that there is Some One who unites us all, invites all to form one beautiful community of brothers and sisters... how "right"are they?

The readings today give us a clarity: good teachings are based on human wisdom while the right teachings are founded on the power of God. The Gospel presents the sad fact that the world prefers the former to the latter.