Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Arise, Run and Endure

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 4th week in Ordinary time

February 4, 2025 - Hebrews 12: 1-4; Mark 5: 21-43

Arise, run and endure is the call today! Situations of death and darkness, moments of drowning spirits and desperate feelings, struggle between right knowledge and raging temptations. These abound in our daily life. But we are called to Arise from these landslips and Run the race that is alloted to us with an Endurance that is ready to put up with any difficulty, even upto shedding blood.

The endurance comes from the hope that Our God is an awesome God and can do anything for us. There is nothing that the Lord cannot do - all that it takes is a touch. Either we stretch in true faith and touch God or in total childlike submission surrender ourselves and allow God to touch us.

The strength to run the race comes from the faith that the Lord our God is running along and is ever present by our side. It is in the Lord that we run... we run and never are drained; we fly and never are consumed. As long as we are in the Lord, we run and we keep running without losing heart on breaks or blocks, we run not to overtake or overrun anyone, but we run to complete the race enrusted to us. 

The capacity to arise comes from the love that God showers on us, out of which God keeps holding our hands inspite of all situations and keeps whispering into our ears, my son, my daughter, my child, my friend... arise! Let us arise, run and endure, with the touch of the Lord.

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