Thursday, October 7, 2010


We are well versed with the oft repeated saying of George Pope Morris, “United we stand, divided we fall!” Even the weak become strong when they are united. When we talk of Unity we do not imagine uniformity.

Take the imagery that Paulo Frere offers us – one of the platform with tiled interlocks versus a mosaic. Both are pieces of art, but the former stands for uniformity and the latter stands for a harmonious blending of differences.

The Universal Cosmic Harmony, we reflect on here, is such a blending of differences. Human beings are made for transcendence. One has a need to find this essential harmony within oneself, leading to the same with those around him or her and then to the whole of the reality that surrounds and ultimately finding that harmony at the Cosmic level under the One who is the source and summit of our existence – God!

All of us have something unique to us, our family, our clan, our region, our country and our race! The questions we are inspired to raise are –
Why should this uniqueness divide us?
When it divides us, does it not infact deprive us of a richness which is the
outcome of the variety amidst us?
What do we do to be agents of this unity or harmony?

Step 1: Promote Harmony within
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” says Mahatma Gandhi. In promoting harmony, the right starting point is from within. The greatest and the most difficult of all conquest is self-conquest” says Swami Vivekananda. Once a person can feel the unity within, he or she can perceive it around.

Step 2: Promote Harmony in your immediate surrounding
The second step is to look at those around you – your family, your siblings, your neighbours, your classmates, your colleagues, your friends! Being united in mind and spirit with people around you makes you experience and offer peace within and to those around you! “Mutual dialogue and Understanding” the tagline of the International Year of Youth announced by the UN (2010-2011) is the key not merely at the international level, but right here at the local level. For it all begins at home! Differences of opinions, clash of desires, personal idiosyncrasies can be factors which put hearts in conflict. The same when approached with a reasonable maturity can lead to a rich atmosphere.

Step 3: Promote Harmony with the reality around
Taking the reality around into consideration – the nature, the country, the society, the people, the infrastructure, the developmental scope – is an essential process of human transcendence. One cannot remain with I, Me and Mine if he or she is progressing holistically. The harmony one achieves with those around gradually takes the individual and the group to the next level of harmony with the reality around. The person and the society become conscious of the nature, the people living around far and wide, the consequences of one’s behavior on each other and on the world at large. “The unlike is joined together, and from differences results the most beautiful harmony”, says Heraclitus.

Step 4: Promote Harmony with the Divine
Once a person reaches a level of feeling one with, harmoniously united with the whole of the reality, he or she has reached a point of transcendence where one can encounter the Divine. All Scriptures speak of this final stage of Harmony in very many terms. Vasudeva Kutumbaka, the Kingdom of God, Ekam Sat – are just few of the expressions we have in the religious traditions.


Make us O Creator,
Persons who appreciate differences,
Friends who go beyond little misgivings,
Brothers and sisters who feel the warmth of each other,
Children of one God, who accept this whole world as our lovely dwelling place,
May we join hands despite all differences to make this world a paradise on earth!

1 comment:

JulietJesus said...

a good read on HARMONY within...around...and with Divine! well written post!!