Tuesday, May 21, 2013

WORD 2day

21 May 2013

We seem to live in days of delusion. Injustice and Corruption at all levels, falsity in every field from politics to sports, total despise to human dignity both at the public and private spheres of life, killing of the innocent and oppression of the weak, throttling the throat of the have-nots with the arms of greed - everything that we see around cries foul. Is this what the book of Sirach, calls the 'temptations' to be prepared for, the 'time of calamity', ot the 'testing in the fire'? Be whatever it may be, the invitation is clear - to be prepared, to be steadfast, and not to turn aside! The metaphors of Jesus with the image of a servant  and the child, converge on one point - to be dependent on the Lord! 'Cleave to him and do not depart', challenges the wisdom of Sirach. To remain in Him, is the constant call. Everlasting joy and mercy are with Him..and we shall surely possess it in abundance and share it with the rest, if and only if we remain with the Lord.

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