Monday, May 20, 2013

WORD 2day

20th May 2013: Monday, 7th Week in ORDINARY TIME...

After a long time it reads, 'Ordinary Time'... the challenge of 'faith' is to keep it alive during the 'ordinary' time, during the ordinary moments of life! High excitements, peak experiences, moving moments, miraculous events, adventurous fortunes... these bring out the best of our faith expressions! But the test is the ordinary phase of life, which is the reality for the most part of our life. Those are the moments, when we will have to see the presence of God in every ordinary thing, every ordinary person around and every ordinary experience of the day...that is the Wisdom that resides in the creation that the first reading speaks of today. And when we are faced with that challenge and we find it so difficult to really see through and perceive the element of God, we are taught today to pray, 'Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!'

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