Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WORD 2day

28th May 2013

Giving... giving is of various types... giving from what I have, giving from what I need, giving from what I am! Specially when it comes to giving the Lord, the highest mode of giving is from what I am. And when i give from what I am, I am not aware of it. When I am so conscious of what I give to the Lord - some times it happens - I give and keep reminding the Lord that I have given... When I know and remember that I have given, infact I haven't given! I am still holding on; I still possess. Like that Master who told the king, who offered him a present to be accepted as a disciple, "drop it!" Even after the king dropped the present, the Master kept repeating "drop it", until the king realised the Master did not ask him to drop the present but to drop that "I", the ego, that gave the present. It is in our nothingness we are most valuable before the Lord. That is why the teacher in Sirach suggests, do not offer him a bribe..or an unrighteous sacrifice...with him there is no partiality. Let our offering to the Lord today be our whole self, the simple self, our nothingness!

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