Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WORD 2day

5th June 2013

A few days ago, our loving Holy Father said in his homily, 'a sad Christian cannot proclaim the Good news!' Every one has one's own share of the baggage to be carried! For some it seems more, for some others less. But more or less actually does not make much difference. What makes the difference is how one looks at it. Today, Jesus is almost laughing at the Sadducees for their ignorance - you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God, he says. They behave like the mendicant who was asked, what if you won a ticket to France tomorrow, and he said instantly, I will go to France and beg! Jesus challenges us to think big! He warns us not to limit God to someone like us, out of our ignorance! Our God is God of the living, not of the dead...God is much greater than whatever I can think of, or imagine! All that I need to do is believe in that God, trust in the presence of that God and when I am aware of that overwhelming presence with me, all the troubles that I face today, becomes so negligible. Be it Tobit or Sara...their share of trouble was so heavy...little did they realise the mighty presence with them, which was there to deliver them and launch them into Salvation History never to be forgotten!  When St.Augustine says " when I am completely united to you, there will be no more sorrow or trials; entirely full of you, my life will be complete", this is what he means... the Mighty Presence of my Living God, can make the worst of my troubles look so silly! 

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